The most important signs of overdoing it postpartum that you should not ignore.
Pregnancy might be over but postpartum recovery can come with a lot of aches, pains and weird symptoms too, especially if you are overdoing it. Plus a wide range of postpartum emotions too!
Postpartum care sounds easy at first but after a few weeks, rest and recovery does not sound as fun.
After a few days at home, it is only natural for many new moms to want to do things around the house while their baby naps or resume their nonstop routines. But when do the signs of overdoing it postpartum show?
In this post we will be talking about the typical postpartum recovery timeline and how to know when to slow down so you do not jeopardize your postpartum recovery or cause any unnecessary postpartum complications.
You can read about the most important postpartum essentials here too.
Signs of Overdoing It Postpartum
1. Soreness and Aches
Soreness and achiness are one of the telltale signs of overing it postpartum, especially in the early postpartum days.
You can expect to feel sore regardless of how you delivered your baby, c section or vaginally, but it is the excessive soreness that is not good.
So if you are feeling more aches and pains in your pelvic area, back or abdomen, take it as an indication that your body needs you to slow down.
Ironically, slowing down will help speed up your postpartum recovery timeline and help you get back to feeling like yourself even faster.
2. Increase in Fatigue
You will almost always feel tired when you become a mom. I’m kidding… but not really.
But if you feel completely exhausted after a very active day then it is probably a good idea to slow down.
This does not mean you will not get back to being fully active. But postpartum recovery is not a walk in the park. Your body needs plenty of time to heal and recover after childbirth. And you are probably already lacking in sleep with a newborn up at all hours of the night.
So if you are feeling extra tired in those first few weeks to months after your baby is born, take it as a sign that your body needs more rest.
Find a good Netflix show or cuddle up with your baby and just enjoy this time because it will not last long.
The dishes and errands can wait. It is so important to give your body the rest and recovery it needs to avoid any postpartum complications.
3. Increase in Bleeding and/or Cramping
You will experience bleeding regardless of if you gave birth vaginal or via c section.
Bleeding will be heavier in the first few days after giving birth and gradually decrease over time. On average, you can expect it to last about four to six weeks after delivery, with it being very light at the end.
The bleeding is a way for your body to get rid of the extra blood and tissue in your uterus that helped your baby grow. The endometrial lining, which thickened during pregnancy, sloughs off after birth and is similar to when you have your period.
The problem comes when you overdo it postpartum. You might walk too much, go up and down the stairs a few too many times, go out for the day and not think about resting, or do excessive chores around the house.
The possibilities are endless but one of the big signs of overdoing it postpartum is when your bleeding is heavier or you experience some cramping.
When To Call the Doctor About Bleeding After Birth:
- Large clots – It’s important to let your doctor know if your clots are bigger than plum sized so you can be evaluated and watched for potential postpartum complications.
- Foul smell – This can be a sign of an infection that will need to be treated by a doctor.
- Severe pain or fever – This can be a sign of an infection that will need to be treated by a doctor.
- Heavy bleeding – If your bleeding is increasing over time and not decreasing or you are bleeding through more than one pad per hour, it can be a sign that something isn’t right. It’s possible that you have a postpartum hemorrhage, a bleeding disorder or problems with your uterus. It’s important to call your doctor so you can be treated right away.
I recommend using disposable underwear in the first few weeks after delivery to make your life a lot easier!
4. Feeling of Pain, Pressure or Heaviness in Pelvic Area
It is common to feel some pressure in your pelvic floor area following pregnancy and delivery. Many women actually see a pelvic floor specialist to help heal their muscles.
But if you are feeling excessive pain, pressure or heaviness in the early stages of your postpartum recovery, it is probably one of the signs of overdoing it postpartum.
Even if you are just walking, it might be a good idea to cut back on the length and speed of your walks. Or perhaps your partner pushes the stroller instead of you.
It is critical that you give your body time to properly heal so you can avoid any unnecessary postpartum complications.
Postpartum Recovery Timeline
Your postpartum recovery will not happen overnight and your postpartum recovery timeline will be unique and different from other moms.
On average, you can expect to feel mostly recovered within six to eight weeks (more if you had a c section). But it may take you months to a year to really feel like yourself again.
It took you nine months to grow your baby so your body will not automatically bounce back to what it looked like (and felt like) pre baby. Plus, you will be living on minimal sleep during the newborn stage.
It is extremely important to focus on postpartum care (including your mental health) to help nourish your body the best you can.
This post was all about signs of overdoing it postpartum.