Are you newly pregnant or thinking about trying to conceive? Here’s everything you can expect during pregnancy 1st trimester.

Pregnancy is so exciting but can also come with a lot of unknowns and worries if it is your first pregnancy. This post will lay out exactly what you can expect during the first trimester of pregnancy.
You will learn about everything having to do with pregnancy 1st trimester including first trimester growth, common pregnancy symptoms, baby development, first trimester to do list and tons of pregnancy tips!
You can even download a hospital bag checklist for the entire family if you want to be extra prepared.
This post is all about pregnancy 1st trimester.
Pregnancy 1st Trimester
The first trimester of pregnancy lasts for twelve weeks – but you might not even know you are pregnant those first few weeks before your missed period.
During the first trimester, you will not look noticeably pregnant yet but you will probably feel it. Between the surge of pregnancy hormones prepping your body for baby and the nausea, sometimes pregnancy can start off a little frustrating.
But remember the discomforts are temporary and it is usually smoother sailing as you enter the second trimester of pregnancy.
Are you unsure what week you are in pregnancy? Click here to calculate your due date.
Pregnancy 1st Trimester – Mom’s Growth
You may experience many pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy, some more unpleasant than others. This is normal and part of the joys of first trimester growth and development.
Some pregnancy symptoms you can anticipate include:
It is extremely common to experience mild nausea, mostly in the form of morning sickness, during the first trimester. It is also normal for pregnant women to experience nausea randomly during the day or even consistently at night though.
You can expect morning sickness to start as early as six weeks and will start to ease by twelve or fourteen weeks when you are into the second trimester. But trust me, I know it can feel neverending when you are in the middle of it.
If you are concerned about your nausea during pregnancy or are experiencing extreme nausea, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor.
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition that comes with severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that can lead to weight loss and dehydration. You can think of this as an extreme and more intense form of morning sickness.
Mood Swings
You can expect to be a big ball of emotions during pregnancy. It sounds dramatic but you can blame your pregnancy hormones for it!
During the first trimester of pregnancy, higher levels of estrogen and progesterone can lead to mood swings. You can be blissfully happy one day and irritability or sad the next. Pregnancy is also a huge life change which contributes to the emotions flowing like they do!
Food Aversions
Strong cravings and strong aversions are common during pregnancy and we can thank our changing hormones for that.
The amount of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) doubles every few days during the first trimester of pregnancy and peak/level off around week eleven and generally leads to food aversions. Some women experience food aversions for a limited time while others experience them for the entire nine months of pregnancy.
Most women experience exhaustion and fatigue during the first trimester of pregnancy. I think every pregnant woman out there will tell you that exhaustion during the first 12 weeks can be pretty intense but it is 100% normal.
Many women are also dealing with nausea and many of the first trimester body changes listed below too, so it can be challenging getting out of bed and not falling asleep at your desk at 10am.
Other pregnancy symptoms you can expect during the first trimester of pregnancy include:
- Frequent urination
- Headaches
- Bloating/cramping
- Heartburn
- Stuffy nose
- Vivid dreams,
Pregnancy weight gain is usually only a few pounds during pregnancy 1st trimester but things like nausea can really impact it up or down. My advice is to not worry about the number on the scale. Your doctor will be monitoring you and will make sure you are gaining a healthy amount of weight.
Related: Exactly What To Do After A Positive Pregnancy Test
Pregnancy 1st Trimester – Baby Development
Your baby does A LOT of growing during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. He or she will grow from a single fertilized egg to an embryo to a peach sized bundle of joy who grows organs and limbs. It is really incredible when you think about it.
First Trimester Growth: Month 1
During the first month, the amniotic sac forms around the fertilized egg to help cushion the growing egg during pregnancy. The placenta also develops and is used to transfer nutrients from you to your baby.
Your baby will start to develop dark spots for eyes and his lower face (mouth, jaw and throat) will also take shape. Blood cells take shape, circulation begins and by the end of month one, your baby is about the size of a grain of rice.
First Trimester Growth: Month 2
In the second trimester of pregnancy, your baby continues to grow rapidly! Flaps, that will eventually be ears, grow out of the side of his head along with little buds for arms and legs. Throughout the month, his fingers, toes and eyes will develop too.
As early as two months, your baby’s brain, spinal cord and other neural tissues of the central nervous system are well developed.
Other developments include the digestive tract, sensory organs and bones in replacement of cartilage. Your baby’s skin will also start to develop too.
Your baby is referred to as a fetus by the end of month two.
First Trimester Growth: Month 3
By the end of this month, your baby will be fully formed and will have arms, hands, fingers, feet and toes.
Fingernails, toenails, and teeth are developing at this stage of pregnancy and your baby’s reproductive organs are forming too. Despite this, it is still hard to determine the gender on an ultrasound.
Related: 4 Best Pregnancy Apps New Moms Need To Download
First Trimester To Do List
Start taking a prenatal vitamin.
You may have started taking a prenatal when trying to conceive, but if not, make sure you pick one up because this is so so important! A prenatal is especially important in the first trimester because it has been shown to reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
Choose your OBGYN and book an appointment.
You have a few different options to choose from including OBGYN or midwife. You will want to confirm what hospital the doctor or midwife has privileges at as this is where you will be delivering your baby.
Cut back on caffeine.
Now is the time to learn about what foods you should avoid and start cutting back on the caffeine to about 200 mg or less per day.
Start researching daycares.
Believe it or not, daycare spots can be hard to come by so the earlier you start researching and going on tours, the better. I suggest talking to at least three so you have several to compare. Once you decide on the daycare center or home daycare, give your deposit to hold the spot.
Make a budget.
Diapers, wipes, formula and daycare all add up. Making a budget early on in your pregnancy and figuring out the added expenses you need to allow for should take away some of the stress.
Start thinking about baby names.
It is never too early to start thinking about baby names! You do not have to make a definite choice during the first trimester but it can be helpful to discuss it with your partner early on so you have plenty of time to find a name that you both love.
Buy maternity clothes.
Some pregnant women are able to comfortably stay in their pre-pregnancy clothes through the first trimester, but it is common to experience a lot of bloating and discomfort early on. For this reason, it is not a bad idea to pick up a pair of maternity jeans early on. They might be a little big when you first buy them, but you will grow into them in no time!
Announce your pregnancy.
Many women decide to wait to announce their pregnancy until after the first trimester but there is no hard and fast rule about it. Regardless, you will probably want to share the good news with your family before announcing it to friends on social media. There are so many cute ideas on Pinterest you can try!
This post was all about pregnancy 1st trimester.