Are you pregnant and dealing with morning sickness? These are the best tips for morning sickness relief!
Morning sickness is one of the most uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester. So many moms have gone through pregnancy nausea and I’m here to share with you the ins and outs of morning sickness remedies.
This post will break down the most common morning sickness symptoms and the tried and true foods and tips you can try for morning sickness relief.
This post is all about morning sickness relief.
What Is Morning Sickness?
Morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting that occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy due to the increase in hormones in your body. It is usually one of the first pregnancy symptoms starting around the sixth week of pregnancy.
Morning sickness symptoms usually occur during the first trimester and seem to stop around 12 weeks pregnancy. But some expecting moms experience it throughout the entire pregnancy.
Morning sickness is extremely common but it doesn’t necessarily hit just in the morning. Some women experience nausea all day long or even at night. It really depends on you and the pregnancy.
If you are experiencing constant vomiting and are unable to keep any food down, it is important to talk to your doctor because you may have hyperemesis gravidarum.
Normal morning sickness is not usually harmful to your baby but hyperemesis gravidarum comes with a lot more risks due to the lack of nutrients, dehydration and weight loss. It is extremely important to work with your doctor to determine the best possible treatment options.
Mild treatment may include rest, antacids, and dietary changes while more severe cases may include a hospital stay so the expectant mom can receive fluids and nutrients through an IV line.
Morning Sickness Relief
1. Eat small meals often.
Eating many small meals throughout the day instead of a few larger meals is huge for morning sickness relief. By doing this, you will never be too hungry or too full, which can trigger nausea.
2. Take prenatal vitamin with food before bed.
If taking your prenatal vitamin in the morning is making you nauseous, you can try to take it at night with a light snack. Many women experiencing morning sickness have found relief by taking it later in the day.
3. Don’t lie down flat.
Lying down can sometimes make symptoms worse and may bring on heartburn too. An alternative to laying flat is to elevate your head with pillows. You can even have a few sips of Ginger Ale or Gatorade too and see if that helps.
4. Eat what you feel like when you’re hungry.
This is especially true in the first trimester. While pregnancy isn’t an opportunity to go crazy with what you eat, the first trimester is a whole different animal. You may have food aversions, some smells make you nauseous and you just don’t feel like yourself – it’s literally all about survival.
Many pregnant women find that once hunger sets in they feel the nausea creep in. So eating when you’re hungry, even if it’s carb filled, is extremely important for morning sickness relief.
5. Drink fluid throughout the day.
This is really important to avoid dehydration, especially if you are physically getting sick as a result of your morning sickness. Dehydration is a very real risk with morning sickness symptoms so sipping on water throughout the day can help keep you hydrated.
6. Ask someone to cook for you or open windows/turn on a fan
You might feel bad asking for the help but this might be necessary to prevent odors from bothering you. If you are determined to cook, try opening windows or turning on a fan. Or you can just cook foods that sound good and don’t bother you! This period is temporary so don’t stress if your diet looks a little different compared to normal.
7. Exercise
Gentle exercise, such as light walking, can help when you’re experiencing morning sickness. It not only gets your blood moving but can also be a distraction. Plus, it’s really good to exercise during pregnancy since it benefits both you and your baby!
8. Get plenty of rest
You are growing a little baby inside you and the fatigue may contribute to your nausea. One way to achieve morning sickness relief that might surprise you is to get as much rest as possible, including naps!
9. Eat something before you get out of bed
I highly suggest keeping a stash of crackers or a light snack on your bedside table. As soon as you wake up, have a few bites to get something in your system before the morning sickness has a chance to set in.
10. Talk to your doctor about Vitamin B6 and Unisom
Even in more mild cases, your doctor may be able to suggest over the counter medicine to provide some morning sickness relief. Vitamin B6 and Unisom may provide you some relief but talk to your doctor before taking any medicine.
With more severe cases of morning sickness, it will be necessary to talk to your doctor about the best treatment options.
11. Eat protein rich foods
Protein rich foods will keep you fuller for longer and therefore prevent hunger from coming on so frequently and making you feel nauseous. Unfortunately, meats and other foods that are high in protein might not sound good to you during the first trimester. If that’s the case, try Greek yogurt or cheese.
12. Include lemon and ginger in your diet
Some pregnant women find that ginger and hard sour candies have helped their morning sickness. These raspberry ginger candies are really good!
13. Avoid warm places.
Did you know that feeling hot can worsen nausea? Because of this, it can help to avoid warm places during pregnancy. If it’s the summer, try to use an air conditioner to keep you cool and if it’s winter, keep the heat down and/or get fresh air often.
14. Don’t skip meals
This goes back to hunger bringing on nausea. If you’re experiencing morning sickness, it’s important to make sure you’re eating small meals throughout the day to keep your hunger at bay and nausea away.
This post was all about morning sickness relief.
OMG yes to #6. One time my husband was cooking and I could not stand the strong smell! We were living in a studio at the time so I opened up the balcony door to let the smell out and I locked myself in the bathroom with the exhaust on until he was done cooking. Pregnancy is such a wild ride. LOL