Are you pregnant and wondering how to reduce swelling during pregnancy? Here are the 9 best swelling remedies you can try this week!
Pregnancy is such an exciting time in your life but it can come with some uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. This post specifically addresses swelling during pregnancy, which is a common occurrence in the third trimester of pregnancy.
You will learn what causes swelling during pregnancy, where will I swell during pregnancy, how to reduce swelling during pregnancy and so much more!
This post is about how to reduce swelling during pregnancy.
What Causes Swelling During Pregnancy?
Before we dive into how to reduce swelling during pregnancy, I think it’s important to understand what causes swelling during pregnancy.
First Trimester
You should not expect much swelling during the first trimester of pregnancy. You are newly pregnant and probably experiencing morning sickness but usually do not put on much weight. You may feel bloated but this is definitely different than feeling swollen.
Second Trimester
You may start to experience some swelling in the second trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the increasing volume of blood and fluids in your body. Your blood volume actually increases by 50% during pregnancy (!!) plus there can be hormonal fluid retention going on.
Third Trimester
By the third trimester of pregnancy, it is pretty common to experience swelling in your feet, ankles and legs. Your hands and face may swell too because of fluid accumulation in tissues This swelling during pregnancy is also called edema. Some swelling is considered normal but if it’s accompanied by high blood pressure, it could be a sign of preeclampsia, which requires immediate treatment for you and your baby.
The extra fluid in a woman’s body combined with the pressure of the growing uterus can lead to this swelling during pregnancy. Plus, the swelling may get worse as her due date gets closer, near the end of the day or during hotter weather.
Other factors that may cause swelling include:
- Standing for long periods of time
- A lot of activity in a single day
- High level of caffeine consumption
- High level of sodium intake
- Low levels of potassium
Where Will I Swell During Pregnancy?
Swelling can occur at any point of pregnancy, but it usually starts during the second trimester and can increase through the third trimester.
The most common areas for swelling during pregnancy are the feet and ankles. Swelling of the hands, fingers and even face are also not unusual, especially towards the end of pregnancy.
Many pregnant women stop wearing their wedding rings towards the end of pregnancy because they feel too tight and uncomfortable on their finger. You might also feel uncomfortable wearing tighter fitting shoes too or even socks.
If you notice sudden swelling of the hands and face, it can be a sign of preeclampsia and you should seek immediate medical treatment
I experienced some swelling during my third trimester of pregnancy. The swelling was mostly concentrated in my feet and ankles. Thankfully, my blood pressure stayed in a good range so my doctor was not concerned about preeclampsia.
I can’t believe I’m putting my swollen feet out there for the internet to see…but this was real life for me during the third trimester of pregnancy.
Totally worth it for my son but SO uncomfortable, especially when I was at work.
Related: Everything You Need To Know About Pregnancy And Sleep
How To Reduce Swelling During Pregnancy
1. Stay hydrated and drink more water
This helps to flush the body and reduce fluid retention. You can also eat high-water content foods.
Examples of high-water food include:
- Grapefruit
- Cucumbers
- Pineapple
- Cantaloupe
- Watermelon
- Apples
- Oranges
- Peaches
- Asparagus
2. Reduce sodium (salt) intake
This is another way you can help alleviate water retention during pregnancy. I recommend reading the nutrition labels on the foods you eat, cut back on sauces and pay attention to what you’re ordering for takeout. You can also avoid adding additional salt to meals.
3. Eat foods high in potassium
Foods that are high in potassium help to keep your body chemically balanced, which can help with swelling during pregnancy.
High potassium foods include bananas, sweet potatoes, kidney beans, avocado, kiwi, and spinach.
4. Cut back on caffeine
Although some might not like this answer, caffeine dehydrates you and goes totally against #1. Thankfully, caffeine consumption is already limited to 200mg during pregnancy but cutting back even further may help with swelling during pregnancy too.
5. Elevate your feet
You can help to reduce swelling during pregnancy by avoiding standing for long periods of time. Instead elevate your feet throughout the day if possible but especially at night. This will help circulation and alleviate some of the pressure on your feet, ankles and legs.
6. Wear loose, comfortable clothing
You want to avoid clothes that are tight around your wrists or ankles. Those types of clothes can promote swelling during pregnancy and basically cut off circulation.
7. Wear compression stockings
Compression stockings can help alleviate some of the pressure from supporting the extra weight of your belly during pregnancy. These will definitely help relieve soreness if you can’t stay off your feet during pregnancy.
8. Stay cool
Some pregnant women (myself included) complain about feeling hotter during pregnancy no matter the weather outside. But if you are pregnant during the summer months, it’s so important that you stay cool in the shade or indoors. A pool can help keep you cool too!