No matter how prepared you are as a parent, you’re probably wondering how to get sleep with a newborn. Those first few weeks are total survival mode. Am I right?!
Did you know that when babies are born they don’t know the difference between day and night? For this reason, they still wake up round the clock no matter if it’s 2PM or 2AM.
My son was by no means a “good” sleeper at first. Actually, he wouldn’t let us put him down at night the first week we were home. Maybe this is totally normal but it took a TOLL. The lack of sleep was causing some postpartum anxiety in me that I didn’t particularly like so I knew something needed to change. (I’ll be talking about my experience postpartum anxiety in a later blog post.)
Rest When the Baby Sleeps
Nap, watch tv, read a book or just sit in silence. Do anything that allows your body to relax! If you’re a type A person like me then it’s going to be a big adjustment for you to sit while there are things to do but it’s critical you don’t rush back into everything right away. The dishes can wait and no one will be judging you for a messy house. You just had a freaking baby!
Take Shifts
My husband and I survived those first few weeks by dividing and conquering. I went to bed around 7PM while my husband took the first shift and then we switched around 1 or 2AM. I would put earplugs in too to block out all the noise. It felt weird at first to go to bed so early and without my husband but the six-ish CONSECUTIVE hours of sleep was a game changer for me.
Accept Help When It’s Offered
You might feel guilty at first but if a family member is willing to watch your baby for an hour then take advantage. It’s not always perfect timing or when you most need it but this right here is how you get sleep with a newborn! Nap or even just shower while you don’t have a newborn baby in your arms. I promise you’ll feel so much better!
This is one thing I regret when I look back at my early postpartum days. Sleep is sleep and if I could have squeezed in a nap here and there while my mom stared lovingly at my baby then I should have RUN upstairs to get in bed. At least I’ll know for next time!
Invest in a Baby Sleep Course
Don’t worry I’m not talking about sleep training! There are so many books and online courses available that will help you give your baby the tools necessary to fall asleep independently AND put himself back to sleep in the middle of the night. You won’t be able to implement the tools right away but by the time my son was four weeks we were getting some longer stretches of sleep which was glorious!
I’m not a sleep expert by any means but I found so much success with the Taking Cara Babies Newborn Course that I recommend it to all of my friends and family. If not this course then there are so many others out there for you to invest in.
Do you have any other tips for how to get sleep with a newborn? Leave a comment below and let me know!