You will soon learn that rest is the key to c section recovery or really any major surgery. It’s as simple as that. Take care of yourself and your body will recover as fast as possible.
BUT…the challenge as a mom is that not only are you recovering from major surgery, you have to do it while keeping a tiny human alive. And while there’s sometimes a sink full of dishes, overflowing piles of clothes to be folded and endless to do’s that you create in your mind.
Keep reading for my top c section recovery tips!

Do: Rest
Don’t: Overdo it
I can’t stress enough how important rest is to your c section recovery process. The recovery timeline will vary from person to person but the more you take care of yourself, the faster you should recover. A c section is major surgery so your body needs time to heal.
Do: Get sleep
Don’t: Skip naps to do housework
Sleep whenever you can those first few weeks! It may be challenging to sleep in the hospital with nurses in and out every few hours but don’t shy away from naps at home!
Nap when your baby sleeps instead of doing dishes or folding laundry. Trust me! I also recommend trying to establish a nighttime plan with your husband ASAP when you get home. Getting a few solid hours of sleep while the other parent is awake and tending to the baby is a GAME CHANGER.
Do: Ask for and accept help
Don’t: Think you can do it all
Ask away, friend! It was sooo hard for me to speak up and ask for help when I was newly postpartum and it might not be in your nature to ask for help either. But the most important thing right now is for you to heal so you can be in the best position to take care of your little baby.
Things you can ask for help with:
- Watch the baby while you nap or shower
- Do a load of laundry
- Cook dinner or pick up take out
- Come over for support
- Quick grocery store run for essentials
Do: Take your pain medicine
Don’t: Skip pain medicine in first few days
I speak from personal experience when I say how important it is to stay on top of your pain medicine in the first few days after surgery. This includes pushing the nurses button in the hospital when you’re due for a dose and staying on top of it the first few days to week at home. If you have “mom brain” or the lack of sleep is getting the best of you, try keeping a log with the name of the medicine and time you took it.
Do: Adhere to the weight limit
Don’t: Carry the car seat or laundry basket
Another important part of c section recovery is not to attempt to lift anything heavy those first few weeks. Typically, doctors recommend not lifting anything heavier than your baby. Carrying a full laundry basket or car seat with baby in it will not only be very uncomfortable but you run the risk of popping a stitch and/or causing a tear. This will only set you back in terms of recovery time.
Do: Get up and walk (slowly) as soon as possible
Don’t: Rush back into workouts
This might sound counterintuitive since I’m preaching rest in this post… but getting a little light activity is actually good for you and one of my top c section recovery tips.
It’s so so easy to get sore and stiff from sitting around all day in the hospital and then at home. If your nurses and doctor ok it, you can start with a verrrry slow walk down the hall. You might only be able to walk for a few minutes and that’s ok! At my hospital, we were able to wheel my son with us down the hall too.
If you’re feeling up to it at home, step outside for some fresh air and walk a little. You may feel cooped up at home so it’s a great excuse to get outside and breathe in some fresh air too.
Do: Know this is a phase and you WILL recover
Don’t: Feel like you’re trapped in this phase forever
C section recovery can feel challenging at times and you might try to put a timeline on it without even realizing it. But know that this too shall pass. You will recover, you will get back to harder workouts, you will establish a routine, and you most definitely will get more sleep. This is just a phase and in a few weeks it will all be a memory.
There’s no denying that c section recovery can feel daunting and maybe like you’ll never escape. But just remember that this phase is temporary and the more you rest and take care of yourself, the faster you will recover and feel like yourself.
You are stronger than you know, mama!
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