It felt really good to have my c section procedure scheduled for a specific day and time. Maybe it’s my type A personality? But on the other hand, I was so anxious about the procedure itself.
My doctor explained the procedure to me but I wanted to know how I’d feel, emotionally and physically. I spent so much time on Googling scheduled c sections and cried watching too many vlogs on Youtube.
Day of Surgery
On the day of my c section procedure, I woke up excited and nervous. Today was the day I got to meet Luke and hold him in my arms. Cue the happy tears!
My husband, Travis, loaded up the car and we drove to the hospital in the pouring rain. It was crazy to think we would be meeting our son that very day! We took one last picture before it was go time!

Sidenote: Leave all of your bags in the car. There really isn’t a place for them while you’re in surgery. The best time for your husband to get the bags is after surgery when you’re settled in your room.
Ok back to the good stuff…
Operating Room
I was wheeled into the OR alone, which is standard procedure for scheduled c sections. Travis had to stay back while they administered the spinal. I had never seen the inside of an OR before (other than on tv) so it was shocking to see how small it was. There were bright lights, lots of nurses and I could see the little pram waiting for baby Luke’s arrival.
My doctor, anesthesiologist and nurses explained the procedure to me for the millionth time but I really appreciated it. I think they could tell I was nervous!
The anesthesiologist had me sit up with my legs hanging off of the table. She cleaned my back several times and I felt a few small pricks to initially numb the area for the spinal. It was hard staying perfectly still in the position they wanted me to but in my mind there was no turning back. Next up was the actual spinal. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous…
Looking back, the few injections did hurt but they were so quick and not nearly as intense as I had worked it up to be. The anesthesiologist kept asking where I felt the pinch (left or right side) and would adjust the next based on my answer. As soon as I felt a shock shoot all the way down my leg, it was GO time. The nurses flipped me onto my back so fast and within 30 seconds I was numb from my chest down. Definitely a weird feeling.
The Surgery
Next, a nurse put a catheter in (which isn’t as scary as it sounds), a screen was put up near my midsection to block my view and the anesthesiologist did a few pre surgery checks to make sure I was adequately numbed. Then Travis was brought into the OR. It was so comforting seeing him and most of my nerves faded away.
Luke was delivered in a matter of minutes. I felt some tugging (which didn’t hurt at all) and out came Luke! It was the most surreal moment I have ever experienced. I’m tearing up just writing this!
Travis was able to go see our son for the first time and cut the umbilical cord. They cleaned Luke up, wrapped him in a blanket and let Travis bring him over to me. The mom is able to hold the baby at this point (at least in my hospital) but I didn’t feel comfortable given how tingly my fingers were. But it was a moment I’ll never forget.
The nurse took several pictures of us (make sure your husband brings his phone!) and we just sat there in complete awe of Luke.

After a little while, Luke and Travis went to the recovery room so they could run the necessary tests on Luke. I had to stay in the OR for another 15 to 20 minutes so my doctor could close me up. Finally it was time to be wheeled into the recovery room! I couldn’t wait to see my boys and officially hold Luke for the first time!
My Thoughts on the Surgery
All in all, the c section procedure went really well. I didn’t feel anything after the spinal was in except for the occasional tugging as Luke was delivered and the tingling of my fingers as I lay on the table.
My advice to you is not to listen to the people out there who tell you scary stories. They are the exception. I urge you to take comfort in the fact that scheduled c sections are normal and performed all the time. Trust that your doctor knows what he or she is doing and enjoy the moment.
Your child’s birth may be different than what you originally pictured it to be but it is just as special and meaningful than a vaginal birth.
Have additional questions about the procedure that I didn’t explain? Comment below and I’d love to chat more!