Want to know a secret? There’s no such thing as a truly balanced life whether you’re a working mom or a stay at home mom.
Some weeks I’m better than others at balancing being a present mom, full time employee, finding time to work on myself & having dedicated time with my husband. But it’s so HARD.
I hope as I share little bits of my story, you see that I’m not perfect. I’m so far from it. And honestly achieving a totally balanced life as a mom is hard because everyday can be so different.
Life with a baby is messy & I’m just trying to embrace it. I used to have an all or nothing mentality before becoming a mom but it really doesn’t serve me anymore.
But along the way I have learned a lot and have a few “hacks” to help calm the chaos.
5 Tips to Live a More Balanced Life
1- Give Yourself Grace
Every day can be so different and babies are unpredictable. Now isn’t the time to beat yourself up for the dirty dishes in the sink or the unfolded laundry. Be kind to yourself because you’re doing the best you can.
2- Get organized
Meal prep, pack lunches the night before, know what you’re going to wear. Basically do everything you can to set yourself up for success for the work day!
3- Develop a morning routine
But refer to #1 if you have a baby like mine who loves to wake up at different times each day. In a perfect world, I like to wake up before Luke, workout and shower before he wakes up.
4- Prioritize
Learning to say “no” to commitments is so important. Being a working mom is tiring as it is so I recommend only adding things to your plate that serve you. I’ve really worked hard on saying no to friends’ invites or birthday parties if they add stress to my life.
5- Leave work on time
Moms live a whole life before and after work. You have bathtime and snuggles to get in before your baby goes to bed so the best advice I can give is to leave on time and not feel guilty about it.
Related: How to “Mom” When You’re Sick